In love with life, friends with Earth…
As Hyundai Elevator, we are at the heart of life with our successful operations in 65 countries and distinct signature on hundreds of prestigious projects around the world. We carry millions of lives every day in public spaces like airports, business centers, subways and train stations. The basic principles that derive our innovative vision and unrivaled technology are comfort, safety and environmental protection.
Ultimate care for human life is what we prize most. It is the guiding light that illuminates our journey to the future. We dream of a world that is much greener, genuinely comfortable and entirely safe. This is the vision that empowers us to become the achiever of many firsts and bests in the global industry. We continuously enhance our contribution to our clients, employees, society and the environment with our energy efficient green technologies, global power, R&D success and ever expanding family.
About Us
We carry and elevate modern life.
Hyundai Elevator, operating since 1984, in 65 countries, is one of the most powerful players in the global arena with its industry steering solutions, total production over 100.00 units and esteemed signature on many renowned projects.
As Korea’s largest and one of the world’s most reputable holdings, Hyundai protects its brand value and credibility meticulously wherever it operates. We, as Hyundai Elevator Turkey, carry the honorable responsibility of introducing this widely-acclaimed brand to our country with great pride since early 2010. We follow the well-earned global success of Hyundai Elevator derived from hard work and excellent references with our constantly expanding market share, absolute customer satisfaction and impeccable service quality. What makes us the first choice of many major and prestigious projects is the deep respect we have for our business as well as our genuine care for human life and environmental safety.
We act as a solution partner in many renowned projects with our wide range of products from elevators and escalators to automatic parking and material handling systems. We offer 360 degrees, extensive and solid service to our customers by acing the quality of our marketing, sales, service, spare part and modernization operations.
Our customized designs, smart technologies, innovative, green and safe solutions meet human life everywhere. We carry on our successful operations in Turkey, Macedonia and Georgia with a vision to grow continuously, hoping to touch more lives every day.

Our Mission
As Hyundai Elevator Turkey, we introduce our clients to state of the art products, services and solutions with our top notch technological know-how and global experience to add speed, comfort and safety to life.
Our Vision
As Hyundai Elevator Turkey, we aim to develop pioneering, energy efficient and green products by fusing future technologies into design. We aspire to become the most preferred elevator company in Turkey with our R&D proficiency, global reputation and sustainable solutions that successfully meet customer demands.
Our Values
We create value…
Our clients are not limited to the companies we engage with commercially. Our products and services intersect with public life at various points. Life becomes easier when we offer people with safe and comfortable movement facilities. Adding value to society, economy and life elevate our own value.
We foresee and steer the future.
We act proactively to carry the world into the future. We meet customer demands before they are requested with our smart solutions that adopt advanced technology to design, innovative products and new generation service technologies.
We strive for a better world.
We develop sustainable and customer pleasing movement solutions using environment friendly and energy efficient technologies. We harm neither life nor the planet under any circumstances.
We make every possible effort materially and morally to make a green, comfortable and safe world sustainable.
Our Production Facilities
All our products are developed with advanced engineering work and cutting edge technology. Our factories located in Korea, China and Brazil highlight our dedication to excellence with their state of the art machine parks.
Quality and safety tests ensure excellence.
We value safety as much as speed and comfort while developing our technologies. We apply wide-scale quality and safety tests to our products in the 205 meters long Hyundai Asan test tower located in Korea. Fully embracing the responsibility of carrying life, we make safety always our top priority.
Our Asan test tower where extensive safety and durability tests are carried out is the height equivalent of a 52-storey building. There is a panoramic terrace at the top of the tower that can be reached with one of the fastest elevators in the world (18m/s). All systems and parts of the ultra-speed elevators are tested in terms of various factors such as vibration, noise, heat and pressure on Asan tower, built on 4.251 m2 wide area. The foundation depth of the tower is 15 meters.
We test our elevators and their equipment one million times during production. Thanks to our laboratories where the loading capacities of the elevators are tested, we guarantee highest level of security.
Our products are exposed to 120 point test and quality control after installation. 70 point electromechanical controls are also applied monthly. Our elaborate after sales maintenance and repair services enable us to fully ensure the safety of our products.

Hyundai Elevator was founded in Korea as the sixth Hyundai Group company

R&D Center was established

First foreign company was founded in China

Machine-Roomless Elevator was developed

First Platform Screen Doors were installed in a subway station in Korea

LOWATT, the first re-generative invertor in the world, was developed
Test tower in Shanghai was built.

Total production has reached 100.000 units of elevators
205 meters high Asan Test Tower was built
Green Elevator was developed

Entered the Turkish Market as HMF Asansor
İstanbul Court House was signed as the first project deal in Turkey
A Class Energy Consumption Certificate was received from TÜV.
Double deck elevator in the speed of 10 m/s was installed to the test tower in Korea
The elevator that goes up 6 floors in one second was installed on the test tower.

HELIAS received iF Design Award in the category of Best Product

Macedonia’s highest building project was signed through Hyundai Elevator Turkey

Diyarbakır Airport project was signed as the first airport contract of Hyundai Elevator in Europe.
Istanbul Uskudar-Umraniye-Cekmekoy subway line project was signed as the first subway project of Hyundai Elevator in Europe.
The elevator factory in Brazil was opened.
The largest mall project in Georgia was signed by Hyundai Elevator Turkey.

HMF Asansor changed its title to Hyundai Elevator Turkey with partnership of Korea

Anyvator, designed as an elevator for everyone with its smart and giant touch-screen, received iF Design Golden award, the best prize, a first in the world's elevator industry.

Kore'de ilk 'Jump Elevator' sözleşmesini kazandı. * Yüksek katlı binaların yapım süresini kısaltmak için en iyi seçim olan Jump Elevator, inşaatın ilk aşamalarında asansörün montajının yapılarak inşaat amaçlı kullanılmasına olanak sağlar.
Kurumsal web sitesi için Kore Web Ödülleri'nde Büyük Ödüle layık görüldü.

2018 Yıllık Raporu, ABD LACP Vizyon Ödülleri'nde Platin Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. İlk İzlenim, Rapor Kapağı, Rapor Anlatımı ve Rapor Finansalları dahil 6 kategoride en yüksek puanı aldı.

Dünyanın ilk Karbon Fiber Bant Tipi 1260m/dak teknolojisini geliştirdi.

Hyundai Genel Merkezi tarafından Kyusang Yum, Hyundai Elevator Türkiye Genel Müdürü olarak atandı.

Hyundai Elevator, İngiliz tasarımcı Chris Lefteri ile birlikte oluşturulan Designers Edition CLD asansör için yapı malzemeleri kategorisinde ‘Good Design USA Ödülü'nü kazandı.

EL Emotion, Red Dot Tasarım Ödülleri'nde kamusal alan kategorisinde ana ödüle layık görüldü. Asansörleri ışık ve gölge ile “kesintisiz alan” olarak yorumlayan yeni bir konsept. Red Dot, IDEA ve iF Design Awards dahil olmak üzere dünyadaki üç büyük tasarım yarışmasını kazandı.

Hyundai Elevator, Çin'in Şanghay kentindeki Akıllı Kampüsün yapımını tamamladı. Yıllık 25.000 adet üretim kapasitesine sahip Akıllı Kampüs, kullanıma hazır test kuleleri gibi tesislerle global pazara öncülük ediyor.

29 Mart tarihinde, Hyundai Elevator olağan yönetim kurulu toplantısının ardından Cho Jae-Cheon yeni CEO olarak atandı. Cho Jae-Cheon, önceliğinin iletişim ve “Tek Takım” olduğunu belirttiği global organizasyon kültürüne öncülük edecek

Hyundai Elevator, iF Tasarım Ödülünü Kazandı Temiz Teknoloji Armatürleri Teknolojisi, temassız hareket sensörlü kat butonları ve hava temizleme işlevleri sunuyor. Kat elektrik panoları için kolay kombinasyonlar sağlayan “Modüler Kat Armatürleri” de dahil olmak üzere iki ürün de iF ödülüne layık görüldü.